Water Variations

So I have been practicing long exposure and freezing the action – the subject was water, we are not short of it. I have found that going out on a practice session in different conditions has been really helpful to give me confidence in a previously untouched area. whats you favorite? or indeed do you have any questions?


  1. Fun stuff, Scott! Have to say my favorite is (and always has been) the quick shutter speed to catch the action… none of that silky look for my taste.

  2. Excellent work, Scott. I like all of them, but my fav is the one with the four blocks getting hit with waves…a distance shot. Keep up the grand work!

    1. Cheers Michael, glad you enjoyed them, a bit of background information, these are anti-tank traps from the 2nd World War they are all along this coast

  3. As every photographer knows that it isn’t the be all and end all to have the exifs detailed alongside photographs, I feel that this is one time Scott that it would be really helpful, ie, long shutter speed = milky water, fast speed = frozen movent, etc Some of us, ( me included need as much help as we can get. ) Love the take on this Genre, well done.

    1. Tommy, I hear what you saying but I struggle to balance my activities as it stands – I have learned enough on this subject to say that it will be different most days anyway due to available light – I know roughly what speed will achieve my aim after that is is just trial and error. What I will say is that bright conditions you must use a filter to slow things down sufficiently. In dull neutral days, a low ISO and low shutter speed is easier to achieve.

  4. LOve this series Scott and can’t believe that you haven’t photographed all that water nearby before! Great that you have started but watch out it can become obsessive – from one who knows 🙂

    1. Well, I have I suppose but in a rather standard way, I am now trying anything I can think of – I have some ideas which will work around sunset with 1/2 sec exposures – but it will have to be warmer before I will spend the time required to get the shots lol

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