Aurora off the scale KP 9+

Like almost everyone across the UK, I was out in my back garden at 1:30 a.m. on 11 May, taking pictures of the Aurora, which had apparently been stimulated by solar flares from the Sun. It was absolutely like shelling peas—when I think of what was involved in capturing these lights only 10 years ago, now I am using my iPhone with a 3-second handheld exposure—truly mindblowing. I wonder how many images were taken on that one night by so many people across the world.


  1. ” I wonder how many images were taken on that one night by so many people across the world.”

    Moments like this one, flowing in our running life… We notice or not. But there is always a second chance to catch these moments, here it is, I am here and I can watch it. By the way, I have never seen aurora in my real life. Just a few days ago I read a news, on local newspaper, saying that aurora has been seen at first time at the Black Sea Coast. Thank you dear Scott, photography means a lot. Love, nia

  2. Ah, the iPhone. Not only great images, but also great video – at least to an amateur like me!
    Sadly, we missed out on viewing the Aurora; we live too far north in Australia to see the southern Aurora, but not north enough to see the northern.

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