St Catherine’s Baptistery Gdansk

The truly magnificent wooden octagonal renaissance baptistery (1585) in St Catherine’s Church Gdansk.


  1. It must be nearly 20 years since I was in Gdansk. What remains my lasting memory is being taken round the town, whilst our host told us about its history and in particular the wartime events……. His message was that what we were looking at and indeed admiring was not old (as it appeared) but all rebuilt after the wartime destruction.. Old photographs were used to try and recreated what the central squares and town looked like. It was a working trip (photographing ship building for a UK customer), several hard days but also enjoyable thanks to their warm hospitality. In fact on the last day, as we were heading off to the airport, what seemed like the entire workforce in the yard came out to wave us off with a message….tell everyone in Britain what a great skilled job we do.

    1. What a great story David – we had a short 5 night break there as we could fly directly from Aberdeen. A beautiful City that feels welcoming is great value and they all speak great English – very clean to. All the things the UK once was. I dread to think how expensive a tourist visiting the UK must think!. The shipbuilding is still going strong – this particular church was very very old – crumbling in places tbh. I would definitely return.

      1. Your comment on the UK is so true… yet only a couple of year’s ago, Boris was telling us all we that we were a World Class Country ( note that he even got that wrong – Nation. not country). Travel abroad and get a shock of realism when you return. Yet we still have an arrogance.

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