Industrial Firth

This was my first day out in a fortnight due to illness. It is not an appealing scene by any standards, and most photographers exclude the Maltings industrial complex from their shots. On this occasion, harsh winter light offers an interesting industrial image against the backdrop of the magnificent Moray Firth. Enjoy.


  1. Do you know dear Scott, at first you see the photograph but in later (many) days, you start to see the eyes, the hands whose take all these images… This is something like that when you follow someone for some time… In here, your way of looking telling something about this industrial at the sea side… It is interesting Today I came across one of old İstanbul photograph, we are going far from the past but photographs bring the stories, always. Anyway, I loved this. Beautiful photograph and contrast at the sea side… Thank you, I am glad you are fine now. Love, nia

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