The Year of the Fox

So why the year of the fox – well, these guys were always hanging around the back garden in my parent’s house in East Kilbride, a new town just south of Glasgow. When I was a kid, you didn’t see these guys from dusk to dawn. Now, they appear to be everywhere. The foxes are most noticeable during winter when I take my sister’s dog for a walk. You regularly spot them. Before he passed, my father frequently photographed them in his garden. I started seeing them every visit and finally remembered to take a longer lens with me. These images are shot through the living room window – and they are not bad, but a remotely controlled tripod is the next step during the spring in decent light – the results could be wow.


  1. nicely done, Scott šŸ¦ŠšŸ¦ŠšŸ¦Š


  2. We get night time visits from Foxes….. we also have cats next door. The cats take great pleasure in sneaking up on the Fox, then surprising him with a quick pounce to start a tag race of catch me if you can. The Fox is agile but that cats are more agile. We used to see Foxes in the countryside, sadly now only in urban surroundings. Enjoy

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